Dear weaving community,

We need your help! We are a textile school and we have been having problems with the Jacq3G loom since we got it in 2012. AVL has shown some support, even came from California to have a look at it, but still we haven’t been fully content with the loom.

The main problem is a chaotic lifting of heddles, mostly in plain weave. There are a lot of floats because some heddles just randomly stop working or are always up. We then clean the heddles and solenoid but the same thing starts happening with other heddles. If we stop the Jacq3G for a while and turn it back on, it’s not necessarily the same heddles that previously had this problem that start behaving weirdly. So, like I said, it’s a very chaotic mess. It mostly happens in precise modules. We keep some extra ones so when we set up a new warp, we can change modules, but whichever is there, there are always 2 or 3 problematic modules.

We can deduce that the problem is not with the computer reading the weaves since the 3-3 twill and basket weave work properly as shown here.

Any idea on what the problem might be is welcome!  Thank you!

Heddles problems

Heddles problems