Pinterest is a great source for creative inspiration. I love having a place online to organize everything from project ideas to color palettes. If you're a Pinterest-addict like me, or just interested in trying out this visually-focused social network, today we are launching a contest for you!

All you have to do is make a board on Pinterest with pins from the Mirrix Looms website, our sponsor websites and anywhere else where you find weaving inspiration. Then, send us a link and tell us a little bit about your board.

The Prizes:
Mini Mirrix Loom or the full cost of that loom towards any other Mirrix Loom

SoftFlex Trios: Jingle Bells, Festival of Lights and Soft Touch .010 from SoftFlex Company

A $100 Woolery gift certificate from The Woolery

A $20 Weaving Works gift certificate from Weaving Works

A $15 Vancouver Yarn gift certificate from Vancouver Yarn

An American Tapestry Alliance catalog

Rosewood tapestry bobbins, sample cards, and a gift certificate from Halcyon Yarn

New BeadCreator Bead-n-Stitch software

Total prizes valued at over $600

Click here to learn more!