Hello.  This is my first post on this forum.  I need some advice regarding an older Oxaback loom.  I am organizing my weaving and knitting toys and have decided to part with a beautiful old Oxaback I've had for about 20 years.  It appears to be an Ulla Cyress model - and I am certain it was shipped from Sweden in the 50's.  It's an 8 harness 53" model - with a lovely dark finish.  I dissembled the loom about 15 years ago to make room for my children - as well as a smaller and simpler Baby Wolf.

I'd like to either gift or sell this loom to a new home.  Is there a market for this type of loom?


WV Vaving

I sent you an email about interest on the loom.


Forgot to mention - I live in Minnesota.


Hi I was wondering if you could give me more info about your loom.  I have been looking for a larger loom though it depends on the price.  I live in Minnesota (central). I have no problem picking up.  Is it a counterbalance or countermarch?  My jack loom is getting to hard for me to use.  I had a countermarch loom quite awhile ago and wish I never got rid of it.  Thanks for the info.