First attempt:  I used the citric acid crystals instead of acetic acid, the ph was probably 4.4, and 150ml dye bath in one jar and 200 ml dye bath in the other 2 jars. My ties were too tight so they yarn was not even. The color was the same on all three chips. The color did not fully exhaust.

Second attempt: Even color chips. I made new dye bath using vinegar instead of cirtric acid. The ph was 4.5-4.6. I used less ties and looser ties. I also used 250 ml of dye bath. However,

I still had color present in the dye bath after it cooled-but clear color. I am thinking it is how I mixed the dyes initially.

color of dye bath after cooled.


Karren K. Brito

Good to see you dyeing.  Not bad , but exhaust has been a problem for everyone and simply involves adjusting the amount of Glauber's salt and A. Set.  Peggy is still struggling with much poorer exhaust than you have.  I looked at the spread sheet on google documents and the only difference I see is that you are using 4 times as much A. Set as the others that have better exhaust.  From what I can see in the photo of the jar, the exhaust might be a 1.  The only problem is that it looks like you have mostly gold left in the dyebath.

What water did you end up using?

The notation looks good.

SharonR (not verified)

I was thinking it could be how I mixed the dye. I had more settling in the gold jar. I will try adjusting the salt and A.Set.

BTW, Thursday night helped me so much! I feel much more comfortable and confident about the whole dye process. Thank you!

SharonR (not verified)

I used filtered tap water. I was debating if the exhaust was a 1 or 2.