Hi there,

I'm a newbie here, and a newbie to weaving also. 

My name is Sien, I am 37 year old student teacher from The Netherlands. I live with my 2 daughters and our poodle near Rotterdam. I recently discovered a love for weaving. I've only woven on a frame loom but tonight I'm picking up my first floor loom; can't wait! I read a lot and watched loads of You Tube-videos, I always liked teaching myself stuff and that's what I'm doing with weaving. 

Now, I have to put the loom together first but I have a question already ;)

What is a good, fairly priced yarn I can use for my very first warp on this 4 shaft jack loom? I don't know the reed size (yet) though. Also, I'm thinking of 17 inch witdh, what length would you choose? It's to try things out, and may be an attempt to a simple scarf..

- Sien


Joanne Hall

Is there a shop near you?  It would be good to find a yarn shop and ask them if they know any weavers nearby.  They might know of someone you can contact who can answer your questions.  Plus the shop owner can suggest some yarns that will work for you.  You might select a thinner yarn used for knitting socks for your first scarf.  You will learn a lot from making that first scarf.




Joanne has good advice.  I would just add that the most important thing is to (a) get started on something small and (b) take good notes.  My first project was some inexpensive cotton.  It seemed like an almost overwhelming about of work to put on a 12-inch warp, and the resulting dish towel shrunk to half that size.  Twenty years later, that dish towel is still in use, and it serves as a reminder to me to make samples.  Have fun on your weaving journey.



I will get some sock yarn then tomorrow, just to get started. I thought it was too stretchy..? I'll need to buy more decent yarn online unfortunately..

It's a 12 dent reed btw.

Sara von Tresckow

Since you are in the Netherlands, start here:


they are a full service weaving business with equipment, yarn, books, etc.

Bonnie Inouye (not verified)

There are excellent weaving guilds in the Netherlands. These groups include beginners and intermediates and very experienced weavers, generally holding a meeting every month. They can tell you where to buy weaving yarn locally and help you get started. Sometimes they offer classes or will show you where to take a class. Also consider a weaving class from Craftsy (online).


Hi Sien, welcome to the forum. Cotton yarn as has been suggested is what I read quite often to use in a first project. I have seen photos of scarves worked in cotton which were very beautiful. I'm a new weaver too, so no usable experience to help you with this. 


I am also owned by poodles. They are my favorite dogs, especially the standards, 4 females in my pack. I look forward to seeing pics of your floor loom and your scarf when you get started on it. I too have to order all my weaving supplies. I live in a part of Texas that has no weaving stores or help close by. 

