A friend gave my son (woodworker delux) a table loom of unknown age (we are guessing 1940's).  I am 78 and this loom had as many wrinkles as I - but, said son managed to renovate and reclaim  this 20" treasure.  Some details: heavy, hard wood, metal (cast brass fittings, forged steel rods and levers - mechanism is much like my Structo 9.5 blue metal Structo, but heavy and strong rods.  Has a keeper to hold harness pins in place.  Beater rides/floats on a metal rod.  Brakes and pawels (sp?) and seem heavy for the size of this loom.


If anyone can help identify, that would be SO appreciated.  Can provide more pictures and answer questions...


sequel (not verified)

These are everywhere.  You will not be alone!  Structo looms were built by the same company that made erector sets for kids.  The heddles are getting hard to come by, but there are some out there.