I have just acquired a used Leclerc floor loom  -- this loom is counterbalance. I have always woven with jack looms. I am looking for a general reference book/website that can help me better understand weaving with counterbalance. Any suggestions out there?  Thank you!



Here's a link to the LeClerc website with instructions for their looms.



The Glimakra website also has very good information about different types of looms and how to tie them up.

Joanne Hall

Click on resources, then Learning about Looms.  There are some files which will give you the counterbalance info, at Basic loom info.

You will do fine. 



OK, we finally have the loom put the Leclerc Fanny Loom together. I have replaced the heddle bars and heddles, added the adjustable pieces that allow me to raise and lower the top roller bar. I am noticing that the heddle eyes are about 5 inches higher than the front and back beams. I recall reading somewhere that the eye height for CB is different from jack looms. But I can't recall or find where I read it. What is ideal height of heddle eyes relative to front and back beams??



Fannys as supplied by Leclerc have shaft frames made of wood and steel that take steel heddles, not heddle bars.  For a CB loom, the heddle eyes should be about in the middle of the reed.  Why do you want to raise and lower the top roller bar?  If this is the attachment that Leclerc sells to do a 1x3 shed on a CM loom,  I have heard that it doesn't work very well, and since you have jack looms that will do this, I can't see why you would want it.


I have found a few resources that confirm what Big White Sofa Dog is telling me -  eyes should be in the middle of the reed. 

I added the attachment that raises and lowers the Top Roller Bar thinking it would enhance different weaving structures. But in reality this is my inexperience with CB looms more than anything. Even without this attachment, the heddle eyes are higher than they should be. So it seems the adjustments need to be made with the length of the ties going around the roller bars. 

This Fanny is about 50 years old and came with heddle bars that were pretty rusty. Metal heddle bars and rusty old heddles. Now all replaced. The replacement pieces were those suggested by Leclerc.