Joined today but wanted to say hello.  I have a Kromski 24" loom.  Right now I have my card weaving attached to it.  But I'm spinning some alpaca to weave a scarf when I have enough.  Anyone else do card weaving.  I just learned and really enjoy it.  Thanks for letting me join.  Pat Stevens


djfiberarts (not verified)

I'm new too. I have an Ashford 32", baby! Woooo!


SandyNYC (not verified)

I have been lurking this week as I tried to decide what RH to buy first.  Have ordered a 12 inch Ashford Knitters Loom tonight.  Close runner-up is the Gilmakra Emilia which I may also get if I fall in love with weaving.   I am a long time knitter, once avid needlepointer (but have not done any since returning to knitting with a vengeance 4 years ago), newish spinner and would be weaver.   Part of the idea of weaving is to use my homespun and some of my knitting yarns that just don't look as good knit up as they do in the ball.  I think they will be much better woven.

claudia (not verified)

That was my goal too.  And I just finished (today) a shawl on my Kromski Harp, which I love.  I will be adding it to my projects and leave a pic here too once it's dry and I trim the fringe.  Tied the fringe while watching tube last night and washed with shampoo (it's a wool warp and mohair weft) and then conditioner.  A little warm-hot water and all the selvedge errors just fulled right in nicely.

Welcome Sandy and everyone!

Claudia, group mom

davasdu (not verified)

im a noob cardweaver, and loving it (im planning a card woven bag at the moment.) .  i got into it beacuse of the low level of kit required and the amazing patterns that can be created (as long as you dont loose your place in the terning sequence that is). ive only tried simple patterns so far, but have found that some simple but realy beautiful patterns can be written on the card weaving programmes that can be found on the net.

Cath (not verified)

I'm a newbie too!  I'm learning on an Ashford Knitters loom that a friend lent me.  I keep skipping warp threads on the odd occasion.  I'm seeing how I go and am hopefully going to buy my own.  I likethe idea that there is a second heddle kit that can purchased later.

djfiberarts (not verified)

Shampoo and conditioner...I'll have to try that. I bought some Woolite last night to try. I like the idea of selvedge errors filling in. I've been nervous about my selvedges lately :(


fantasticfelter (not verified)

i think all new to weaving artists should remember to have fun as there first criteria of weaving on there ridged heddle looms. no selvage police, or tension harpers , just do it and learn and use up barrels of stash yarn.

eggplantlady (not verified)

Just joined today too - I have a Kromski Harp and have woven a rectangular 'thing' (!) and another one that I plan to turn into a purse.  The more I read on this forum, the more out of control my imagination gets!  Adding harnesses to the RH, making knotted rugs, on and on.  I am so excited!

claudia (not verified)

Welcome, glad you joined us.

I have had my Kromski for over a year now and love it.  I taught a friend to weave on it and she loves it and is considering buying one, too.  I think Kromski is very underrated and make beautiful products.

Hope you'll join us for the WAL project at the end of September.  And please, show pictures of the purse.

To upload the photos is very easy.  Click on the photo icon above this comments box.  Click on the 3rd tab which says "Upload" and the click on "Browse".  It will automatically open your computer hard drive and you can choose photos from there.  Once you have found the photo you want, click on it and you will come back to the Upload screen.  Click on send it to the server and your photo will show up in the box on the lower right.  If it looks too large, adjust the size by picking a number for the width and the height will automatically adjust itself.  Then just click OK and it's up. 

Sounds like a lot of steps but it's very easy once you have the hang.

Claudia, Weavolution co-founder

djfiberarts (not verified)

Selvedge police! LOL!

Patrickj (not verified)

I'm knew this group and am excited to be amoung RH weavers.  I have a Ashley knitters loom with a scarf on it right now. I hope to try other fibers besides yarn.

Loominaria (not verified)

Oh yeah, I've already found several handpaints that looked great in skeins, horrible in knitted and crocheted fabric, and excellent in tabby, often with handpaint as warp and a solid colour for weft. It finally dawned on me that the crocheted fabrics I liked best were Tunisian and 'crohook' that looked like weaving, so what if I actually used a loom instead of hooks?

I'm very happy with my 30 cm (almost-12-inches) Knitter's Loom, and I would have ordered a Glimakra Susanna if they had continued making those 80 cm (almost-32-inches). I believe the biggest Susanna looms will be about 27 inches now.  So I chose another Ashford loom.

I think you'll be pleasantly surprised to see how smaller yarn quantities can be mixed up and used up in weaving projects. I'm sometimes disappointed when a weaving project leaves so much yarn left, because I originally ordered the yarn for knitting or crochet.


sandeleh (not verified)


Well, that was interesting - uploading the photo of my in-progress scarf overwrote the text I already had in this msg box.   Anway, a very short recap - am new to this group, have been weaving lazily since 2000 or so and mostly use my RH loom even tho I have a couple of other table looms and a couple of floor looms.  

Just joined this group today, and updated my profile to include photos of my looms.


Sande in Fresno, CA, USA


claudia (not verified)


If you need help with the picture uploading there is a file in the "Help" section (click on Help tab) called "Uploading pictures" and it is very specific and very helpful.

Sorry this didn't work the way you expected but the picture is great and your selvedges are AMAZING.

Nice job,


bolivian warmi

Would you mind sharing your secret for those lovely straight selvedges???


sandeleh (not verified)

Thank you, Claudia and Laverne!

I don't weave very quickly on the RH loom - I put down the shuttle between each pick, pinch the weft at the selvage while pulling the weft up toward the heddle (still in its stand).   Then I let go of the weaving and use both hands to press the heddle against the fell.  I move the heddle in a circular motion so that, for instance, I move the heddle from the up shed position so that the heddle hits the fell on a closed shed, then continue onwards to the down shed position.   I do the same thing only backwards going from down shed to up shed - move the heddle in an arc so that it reaches the fell line on a closed shed, press the weft in, then continue in an arc to the up shed position.

I find this arcing motion clears the shed and separates the warp yarn so that there are no ends drifting to the middle of the shed and causing errors.  "Beating" or pressing the weft in on a closed shed helps to keep the picks even and with the weft angled I experience almost no draw-in.

I have done a lot of weaving on my rigid heddle loom - trust me, the selvages on my table loom project do not look nearly as good.  :)


Sande Francis in Fresno, CA, USA

djfiberarts (not verified)

I'm new too. I have an Ashford 32", baby! Woooo!


SandyNYC (not verified)

I have been lurking this week as I tried to decide what RH to buy first.  Have ordered a 12 inch Ashford Knitters Loom tonight.  Close runner-up is the Gilmakra Emilia which I may also get if I fall in love with weaving.   I am a long time knitter, once avid needlepointer (but have not done any since returning to knitting with a vengeance 4 years ago), newish spinner and would be weaver.   Part of the idea of weaving is to use my homespun and some of my knitting yarns that just don't look as good knit up as they do in the ball.  I think they will be much better woven.

claudia (not verified)

That was my goal too.  And I just finished (today) a shawl on my Kromski Harp, which I love.  I will be adding it to my projects and leave a pic here too once it's dry and I trim the fringe.  Tied the fringe while watching tube last night and washed with shampoo (it's a wool warp and mohair weft) and then conditioner.  A little warm-hot water and all the selvedge errors just fulled right in nicely.

Welcome Sandy and everyone!

Claudia, group mom

davasdu (not verified)

im a noob cardweaver, and loving it (im planning a card woven bag at the moment.) .  i got into it beacuse of the low level of kit required and the amazing patterns that can be created (as long as you dont loose your place in the terning sequence that is). ive only tried simple patterns so far, but have found that some simple but realy beautiful patterns can be written on the card weaving programmes that can be found on the net.

Cath (not verified)

I'm a newbie too!  I'm learning on an Ashford Knitters loom that a friend lent me.  I keep skipping warp threads on the odd occasion.  I'm seeing how I go and am hopefully going to buy my own.  I likethe idea that there is a second heddle kit that can purchased later.

djfiberarts (not verified)

Shampoo and conditioner...I'll have to try that. I bought some Woolite last night to try. I like the idea of selvedge errors filling in. I've been nervous about my selvedges lately :(


fantasticfelter (not verified)

i think all new to weaving artists should remember to have fun as there first criteria of weaving on there ridged heddle looms. no selvage police, or tension harpers , just do it and learn and use up barrels of stash yarn.

eggplantlady (not verified)

Just joined today too - I have a Kromski Harp and have woven a rectangular 'thing' (!) and another one that I plan to turn into a purse.  The more I read on this forum, the more out of control my imagination gets!  Adding harnesses to the RH, making knotted rugs, on and on.  I am so excited!

claudia (not verified)

Welcome, glad you joined us.

I have had my Kromski for over a year now and love it.  I taught a friend to weave on it and she loves it and is considering buying one, too.  I think Kromski is very underrated and make beautiful products.

Hope you'll join us for the WAL project at the end of September.  And please, show pictures of the purse.

To upload the photos is very easy.  Click on the photo icon above this comments box.  Click on the 3rd tab which says "Upload" and the click on "Browse".  It will automatically open your computer hard drive and you can choose photos from there.  Once you have found the photo you want, click on it and you will come back to the Upload screen.  Click on send it to the server and your photo will show up in the box on the lower right.  If it looks too large, adjust the size by picking a number for the width and the height will automatically adjust itself.  Then just click OK and it's up. 

Sounds like a lot of steps but it's very easy once you have the hang.

Claudia, Weavolution co-founder

djfiberarts (not verified)

Selvedge police! LOL!

Patrickj (not verified)

I'm knew this group and am excited to be amoung RH weavers.  I have a Ashley knitters loom with a scarf on it right now. I hope to try other fibers besides yarn.

Loominaria (not verified)

Oh yeah, I've already found several handpaints that looked great in skeins, horrible in knitted and crocheted fabric, and excellent in tabby, often with handpaint as warp and a solid colour for weft. It finally dawned on me that the crocheted fabrics I liked best were Tunisian and 'crohook' that looked like weaving, so what if I actually used a loom instead of hooks?

I'm very happy with my 30 cm (almost-12-inches) Knitter's Loom, and I would have ordered a Glimakra Susanna if they had continued making those 80 cm (almost-32-inches). I believe the biggest Susanna looms will be about 27 inches now.  So I chose another Ashford loom.

I think you'll be pleasantly surprised to see how smaller yarn quantities can be mixed up and used up in weaving projects. I'm sometimes disappointed when a weaving project leaves so much yarn left, because I originally ordered the yarn for knitting or crochet.


sandeleh (not verified)


Well, that was interesting - uploading the photo of my in-progress scarf overwrote the text I already had in this msg box.   Anway, a very short recap - am new to this group, have been weaving lazily since 2000 or so and mostly use my RH loom even tho I have a couple of other table looms and a couple of floor looms.  

Just joined this group today, and updated my profile to include photos of my looms.


Sande in Fresno, CA, USA


claudia (not verified)


If you need help with the picture uploading there is a file in the "Help" section (click on Help tab) called "Uploading pictures" and it is very specific and very helpful.

Sorry this didn't work the way you expected but the picture is great and your selvedges are AMAZING.

Nice job,


bolivian warmi

Would you mind sharing your secret for those lovely straight selvedges???


sandeleh (not verified)

Thank you, Claudia and Laverne!

I don't weave very quickly on the RH loom - I put down the shuttle between each pick, pinch the weft at the selvage while pulling the weft up toward the heddle (still in its stand).   Then I let go of the weaving and use both hands to press the heddle against the fell.  I move the heddle in a circular motion so that, for instance, I move the heddle from the up shed position so that the heddle hits the fell on a closed shed, then continue onwards to the down shed position.   I do the same thing only backwards going from down shed to up shed - move the heddle in an arc so that it reaches the fell line on a closed shed, press the weft in, then continue in an arc to the up shed position.

I find this arcing motion clears the shed and separates the warp yarn so that there are no ends drifting to the middle of the shed and causing errors.  "Beating" or pressing the weft in on a closed shed helps to keep the picks even and with the weft angled I experience almost no draw-in.

I have done a lot of weaving on my rigid heddle loom - trust me, the selvages on my table loom project do not look nearly as good.  :)


Sande Francis in Fresno, CA, USA