It's been a day of learning lots of new limits/challenges to Webex.

First, if your operating system is Vista and you try to log in to WEbex meeting with Chrome, it won't work.  Vista, Chrome and WEbex are not compatible.  Vista, Firefox and WEabex work, Vista, IE and Webex work too.

Second, we need to develop a way to contact each other when things go wrong. I need your help with this.  Here is what happened:
a student was unable to sign in this morning and emailed me that she was unable to sign on (Vista, Chrome were the issue as we later discovered) so I called the teacher who didn't answer her phone because she was using it for the class instead of using her computer for audio.  I was unable to contact the student because I didn't have her phone number.  I sent information about calling Webex to the student but by the time I received the email more than 30 minutes of class had passed.

So, how do we reach each other if the class is in session and we do not have phone access?  I need suggestions.  This came up TWICE today.



Mary Rios (not verified)

Would a cell phone be an option? or, if not, have the teacher assume you will be receiving an email so that they know to check that right away during tech trouble?

What about this: open every class 15 minutes prior to the actual start time, or make the class that additional 15 minutes with the understanding that this will be a meet and greet and test time. The class could begin on the hour.

Or seriously... suggest that every new student or student wtih a new computer take the open house - to iron out the bugs before class as to not take time away from the actual class time.

Does anyone send out reminders the day of the class? If so maybe you can say that you'll be there 15 minutes early to test equipment prior to the class.

Just brainstormin'!
