For those of you who were asking about my backstrap loom - check out my blog.  I figured it was easier than trying to post the whole thing again.





bolivian warmi

Hi Layne,

Thanks for the link. I visited your blog-that's all very amazing. Franco often posts entire sections of his blog here and I think he knows an easy way to do it. You just have to watch out for the 5000 character limit which means you may have to split pieces into two.

So are you up and weaving? Any finished projects to show us? They don't have to be backstrap woven. The Members' Gallery is for any  weaving or craft project and it sounds like you may have a very wide range of things to show.




Caroline (not verified)

hi Layne, Thats great! There are no backstrap police to say something can or can't be done! The essence of the backstrap loom is that its simple and that it works and uses whatever is handy to build. Remember, some of the finest fabrics ever made have been woven on looms  like this, so if it works for you thats what matters. All a loom does is hold the warps in order, and under tension, so the weaver can make the cloth. Anything else is a bonus.

A cradle-style frame is a very good idea, and some band weavers use a wooden version of this. I've been thinking of making something similar for my tablet-weaving, and a double-holed rigid heddle I have just bought.

francorios (not verified)

Way to go Layne!


I love the string heddle on a wood frame! I've been wanting to try one of those.

Have a good day!