First project!
This is my first ever weaving project, finished just yesterday and cut off the loom. The plan is to use this for the trim on a medieval reenactment dress. An inkle loom is all I can afford, so that's what I'm working on right now. In the far future I hope to at least make myself a rigid heddle loom, or some other medieval loom. I'm working on a backstrap loom right now that will allow me to weave a little wider than the inkle.
I did this project in size 10 crochet thread. It turned out a lot thinner than I had originally envisioned but that suits me just fine. The pattern is kind of one from a book, but because I messed up on the warp counting it was a little off. Which is fine, asymmetry will work for the trim aspect. I chose plain weave as to not overcomplicate anything first time out. My next project will be pickup patterned though, so that should be fun.