My Corner Of The World - September 2013

Because of the popularity of this thread, we'll start a new thread each month!

The idea is to tell us what is going on in your corner of the world.It does not
have to be weaving related, but it could be.

Feel free to tell us about holidays in your country,whether it is religious,
or Independence day, or commemoration days.

Please include a picture when you add your post. Weavers are very visual people.

Please remember to downsize your photo before uploading.

Be sure to tell us where you are (city, state/province, country?)
This forum has members internationally.

Have a good day!

Last month:



sally orgren

Cloudy, humid, with a chance of big bubbles... in northern New Jersey.

Big Bubbles

sally orgren

One of my favorite college mascots.

sally orgren

We are "3 for 3", three fall storms resulting in more than 24 hours of power loss, three years in a row. Over 13,000 residents were affected in 3 counties in northern New Jersey, but this weather event didn't make the news because of the boardwalk fire and massive flooding in Colorado.

I don't know if this was a derecho, tornado, or what. The high winds and torrential rain only lasted 20 minutes, but the damage in a targeted area was quite surprising. The storm happened about 6:30 Thursday eve, and some folks didn't get restored until yesterday (Sunday).

Between this and the boardwalk fire, I think most New Jerseyans are thinking—

Really? Again?


Goodness! Thinking of everyone coping with catastrophic events, hoping for safety and a speedy return to something like normal!


The Uk is firmly entrenched in fall! It's definitely weaving weather! But we've also worked in a smidge of archery!


it is raining here in Central Texas, no, it is pouring here in Central Texas - We need the rain but not all at once. The intersection that leads to the museum entrance is under water - they have it closed off now our back entrance is also under water so I am stuck at work until the rain lets up or they figure out how to drain the water off the roads. We also have water pooling on the lawns and creeping too close to the buildings. heavy sigh!


The leaves are turning, and the rosehips are maturing... this is a test from my new photo editing software:


Also, Reed Guy mentioned that we are producing moose milk cheese in Sweden. I had heard about that, but did some further research.

Reed Guy is right - but don't hope to find any in a shop near you: apparently they produce a few kilograms per year - most is sold to the Very Highest End restaurants. For us commoners, it can sometimes be bought for the fantastic price of  SEK 4800 per kilo. (Today, that would be close on USD 350/lb) 

(No, I haven't tried - way out of my budget... - but here are some product descriptions and a couple of recipes)


Reed Guy is also right in that we *do* have both goats and sheep here in Sweden. The bulk of our (Swedish) cheeses are made from cow's milk, though - . Here are a few examples.

Michael White

If it is a mammal and producting milk you can make cheese. Now how do I milk a whale ?

Michael, with a degree in dairy science

sally orgren

This image was captured at the Toronto Metro Convention Center.

I loved the colors!!