My Corner Of The World - January 2011 Because of the popularity of this thread, we'll start a new thread each month! The idea is to tell us what is going on in your corner of the world. It does not have to be weaving related, but it could be. Please include a picture when you add your post. Weavers are very visual people. Please remember to downsize your photo before uploading. Be sure to tell us where you are (city, state/province, country?) This forum has members internationally. Have a good day! Previous Month - December 2010 Next Month - February 2011



First I must admit that I did not take that photo, I am not sure I could even do that tecnically, but I found it in the local newspaper. It is from Bodø in the north of Norway. You see the profile of the island of Landego which is situated just outside the coast.

Michael White

Eva, what a great photo and the dancing light show must have been majestic. This would make a commanding tapestry.

Sally, It is going to be in the 60-70fs here this weekend. We get lots of "snow birds" here at Lake Oconee. Its a straight shot down I 75 from  Michigan,  I 85/I 95 from Maine. The animals do not like the warm weather. Remember that they have a fur/leather coat with can not be removed. Cheryl has a guest/sewing room in her weaving studio. Packup "Inky" and come on down. If it stays warm too long the trees will bloom and then the buds will freeze when it turn cold again. Georgia is called the "peach" state but SC growns more peaches then GA because of the weather.   

Aunt Janet (not verified)

My first reaction was "What planet are we on here?"  We see an auroya borealis display now and then, but it is in pinks and oranges.  It is also not framed in any windows, so we must be outside at night to catch it.  I've only seen it a couple of times here in northern California.

Thanks for showing this Eva.

sally orgren

As seen at MoMA this weekend in NYC.

This Cabbage Chair was created by Oki Sato and manufactured by nendo, Japan, as the result of a challenge issued by Issey Miyake to create an application for the heaps of paper that are a by-product of the fabric-pleating process. The paper is reinforced with resins. (In case you can't read the description at the bottom of the image.;-)  This design exhibit can be found on the 3rd floor.

MoMA also has an exhibit about line on the 6th floor that was way-cool, and the description at the start of the exhibit is oh-so-weaverly! I tend to think of line as 2-dimensional, and this exhibit definitely expanded that narrow definition, right from the get-go.

loomyladi (not verified)

Absolutely GORGEOUS!!!  I'm heading to Alaska in March, keeping fingers crossed for a light show.

Michael White

Do you remember the movie and song, "North to Alaska""..... when it Spring time in Alaska it's -40f  below......"(g) dress warm and have fun.

Michael in a warming Georgia, upper 60fs today.