My Corner Of The World - August 2013

Because of the popularity of this thread, we'll start a new thread each month!

The idea is to tell us what is going on in your corner of the world.It does not
have to be weaving related, but it could be.

Feel free to tell us about holidays in your country,whether it is religious,
or Independence day, or commemoration days.

Please include a picture when you add your post. Weavers are very visual people.

Please remember to downsize your photo before uploading.

Be sure to tell us where you are (city, state/province, country?)
This forum has members internationally.

Have a good day!

Last month:


francorios (not verified)

Welcome to August!
Did you know the month of August was given 31 days to honor Augustus Caesar? And July was given 31 days to honor Julius Caesar.

The days were taken from the month of February which is why there is only 28 days.

Sorry for the late start.

Time for a new edition of My Corner of The World!

Have a good day!
Franco Rios
Sacramento, Calif USA

francorios (not verified)

dd/mm/year Country Holiday 05/08/2013 Ireland August Bank Holiday 05/08/2013 Iceland Commerce Day 05/08/2013 Guyana Emancipation Day 05/08/2013 Croatia Homeland Thanksgiving Day 06/08/2013 Bolivia Independence Day 07/08/2013 Colombia Boyaca Battle 08/08/2013 United Arab Emirates Syria Egypt Saudi Arabia Qatar Yemen Algeria Libya Iran India Guyana Lebanon Jordan Tunisia Iraq Pakistan Oman Bahrain Morocco Albania Philippines Indonesia Kuwait Eid al-Fitr (End of Ramadan) 08/08/2013 Malaysia Singapore Hari Raya Puasa (End of Ramadan) 08/08/2013 Turkey Ramazan Feast (End of Ramadan) 09/08/2013 Singapore National Day 09/08/2013 South Africa National Women`s Day 10/08/2013 Ecuador Independence Day 12/08/2013 Thailand HM The Queen`s Birthday What is going on in your corner of the world? Have a good day!

sally orgren

And my guildmate entered some spectacular handwoven jackets. The technique is called Woven Shiborri, (as taught by Diane Totten), and my guildmate made up the sewing pattern/construction.

Congratulations to Margriet Carrico on her blue ribbons!

sally orgren

Anyone else having a state fair this week?


Heading to Stitches Midwest. I'll be working at the Habu booth. Stop by and say hi. In the meantime we are having 100-103 temps here. Need to pack for highs of 75 up north. Gawk! Brain freeze!

francorios (not verified)

Somehow this big mantis found its way into the office and onto a potted plant. I wanted to get a picture and a measurement. In the bottom picture it looks like it wants to have a word with me. I walked it outside and left it in the bushes. Franco Rios, West Sacramento, Calif.

francorios (not verified)

Random Public Holidays dd/mm/year country holiday 25/08/2013 Uruguay National Independence Day 26/08/2013 United Kingdom August Bank Holiday 26/08/2013 Philippines Heroes` Day 28/08/2013 India Krishna Janmashtami 29/08/2013 Slovakia Slovak National Uprising anniversary 30/08/2013 Peru St Rose of Lima Day 30/08/2013 Turkey Victory Day 31/08/2013 Malaysia Merdeka Day (National Day) 01/09/2013 Slovakia Constitution Day 01/09/2013 Iran Martyrdom of Imam Sadegh Have a good day!