Migrated Group Comments


nalmaraz (not verified)

My Georgia group is just as lonely. Maybe we should unite? :) :) Nicole

cacolorado (not verified)

I grew up in Baldwin County but I live in the Rockies now.  I'd join you if I were there.

It seems there are many more knitters (and crochet maybe too) in South than weavers.  Is that what you've found?

Glizzer (not verified)

Hi there!

I'm in the Pensacola area of the Florida, just a hop, skip and a jump away from the Fl/AL state line.  Where abouts are you in Alabama? I would love to start a Mobile/Pensacola group, as Mobile's only 1 hr away. :)

Nancy D (not verified)

 Hi, I live in Spanish Fort, Alabama. I'm just learning to use my new Mirrix tapestry loom. What fun to try something new. I also weave on my Baby Wolf four shaft. I belong to the Mobile Bay Fiber Guild. We meet in Fairhope, Alabama September through May.

Nancy D (not verified)

 We would love to have you come to our guild, Mobile Bay Fiber Guild. We meet 12: 30 PM, 4th Thursday, September through May at the Eastern Shore Art Center in Fairhope, Alabama. If you send me your email I will notify you when we are meeting.

mejnoona (not verified)

Greetings from Mobile!  I was a member of the local weaving group years ago when it used to meet Wed nights, but life and work and school kept me away for a long time. 

But I'm still weaving and spinning and even if I can't make it to group meetings would love to have some people locally to play with.



log88wood (not verified)

I live in Decatur, Al. I think there are more weavers out there- they are just busy staying at home weaving.

I am part of the Huntsville FIber Guild, which is really a North Aabama guild and Southern Tennessee guild.

We are having  a spinning workshop with L. Vogel in September if anyone is interested.

contact hsvfiber at gmail.com

NancyD (not verified)

 Mobile Bay Fiber Guild will meet Thursday, September 24, 12:30 PM. We meet at the Eastern Shore Art Center in Fairhope, Alabama. You are more than welcome to visit. ESAC  is diagonally across from City Hall.

Sally Berry (not verified)

I just purchased a Baby Wolf loom and would love to learn how to use it.  My grandmother in KY made rag rugs on a large loom.  I still have some of her rugs.  Would like to join a local group in MOBILE, AL area.

NancyD (not verified)

 The Mobile Bay Fiber Guild would be glad to have you join.  We will meet September 24th, 12:30PM at Eastern Shore Art Center in Fairhope, Alabama. ESAC is diagonally across from the City Hall.