Migrated Group Comments


purplesnakelady (not verified)

Hello, I grew up in Levittown PA. However love took me to Texas. I will be visiting the Philadelphia area this summer. Do you know of any weaving related sights to see?


Syne Mitchell (not verified)

A cool eTextiles artist (fashion and electronics) is looking for a weaver in the Philadelphia area to collaborate with on a project.  If you might be interested, please drop me a line at [email protected] and I'll put you in touch.


weaveblue (not verified)

 Dear Teresa,

There is a great fiber school, but it's actually closer to Gettysburg than Philly. The Mannings is located in East Berlin, Pa and has a huge selection of yarn, spinning/weaving tools. If you simply type the store name into your search, you'll be able to find their website easily. Once there, you can page through to a list of items they carry and classes offered. There may be other stores around, but they are the biggest and one of the best.

If you are interested in Navajo weavings, The Quilt and Textile Museum in Lancaster, Pa has a show featuring early weavings from collections around the USA. The weavings are gorgeous!

Elizabeth G


purplesnakelady (not verified)

The Mannings was awsome! Complete fiber overload. I love the shop we have back home, But the space the Mannings has is just wonderful, great layout and a LOT of choices....My Son finally ventured inside after 2 hours to find me.  Thanks for sugesting it.
