I am having trouble figuring something out that I cannot find in the Users guide.  I want to edit the treadling for the wif I am currently using.   I need to add repeats and find it difficult to do it on my iphone so I thought I would try to do it in the cloud and then import the updated file on my iphone.  I thought I was understanding how things work but feel lost.  Can I do what I am trying to achieve?  It's difficult for me to see the screen and do all the tapping necessary to insert the repeats I left out of the original draft.

Can someone give me directions for doing this?  Do I start with importing the current wif into the cloud?  Then, what next?


Claudia, not so great with computer weaving programs but I love the way this one helps me keep track of what I am doing.


Helen S

Hi Claudia,

Save the current WIF file to your WIF 'n Proof 'Cloud' account and then import it to your iPad.  (Claudia has both the iPhone and the iPad versions - other users could import it to a computer drafting program).  Once it is on your iPad, edit it in the Design Center to add the treadling repeats and save it to your WIF database with a new name.  You can then export it from your iPad to your WIF 'n Proof 'Cloud' service account and import it on the iPhone to assist you at the loom.

There is a new update coming soon with an expanded manual to cover the WIF 'n Proof 'Cloud' Service.


Claudia Segal (not verified)

Thanks for bailing me out again Helen!


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