Ok, long day - but loving it... Did the Sun Yellow and Mustard Yellow. pH was 4.5/4.6 ish and with when i saw my exhaust i did another strip and it was 5.0. Should I be checking for this during the process and if i notice it going up, do i add vinegar - or let it go. I think i got pretty even color.

I made a 3 gallon dyebath - and they were processed in the same pot for the same time/  so they all had the same bath and time on the stove -

all in a row


exhaust level



Lots of exhaust - what number would you give this?



pretty good exhaust - what number would you give this?


pretty pale yellow


the wristband took a little dye which surprised me. Also the sharpie is a big no no - it bleed on my yarn!





Good for you Mary ! The colors look beautiful, you may be surprised how much silk lightens up when it dries. It will still be beautiful. I had to go to go to the nearest hue in the chip book and try to determine how much chroma the dyed chip had. Was it dripping in color or was it greyed. at the same time go to the grey scale and determine value. The fun part was to go to the black and white hue circle in our book ( around page 7) and to try and imagine where the dye color would lay in that circle for the hue.

Mary Rios (not verified)

Thanks Cathie, - did you post pictures - i'm trying to see how close i got to you because we're dyeing silk. did you have the level of exhaust i had?



Karren K. Brito

Exhaust looks good, like a 1  for the most part.


My exhaust was pretty good . More exhaust left as I got to the darker colors.


I posted my color chips under Lanaset color chips post. Ours look very similar! I'm doing the las three today, then off to sunny mexico on sat :)

Mary Rios (not verified)

yeah for you! how many did you attempt in a day - i think i'll do 2 more colors today - thanks for the title - i'm off to look at yours!



If I'm very careful I can do three colors split between two pots. By careful I mean, stirring so as not to splash into the other colors, and not getting my chopsticks confused and stick them in the wrong color!. I also did the stock solutions as I went along, so between weighing the skeins etc. 5 hrs.