I do know how to string beads onto yarn, but using that yarn for weft boggles me.  If I string on a whole lot of beads, those beads are all relatively close to the end of the yarn.  What's a reasonable method to spread those beads out along a good length of yarn - enough to wind a bobbin with?  No matter what I think of - using a ball winder, a swift, a bobbin winder, I have to know in advance how much/length yarn I need and cut it to that length.  Aren't I then opening myself to lots of tangling prior to actually getting it wound on a bobbin?

I'm hoping there's a reasonable/sensible way to do this that my not-so-analytical mind just hasn't come up with.

Thanks for your help!


caloosa (not verified)

I've done this with a spinning wheel.  You thread the beads on really thin yarn or sewing thread and then holding everything carefully gently and slowly spin the yarn with the thread together placing the beads as close or a far apart as you like .  The plying together of the thread and yarn will trap the beads in place.

Peg.Cherre (not verified)

Spinning sounds like a great concept, caloosa...if only I knew how to spin. :-)  Maybe I can get someone in my Guild to give me enough of a lesson to do this - sounds much easier than spinning thread from fiber - or maybe it's not.