I am having problems with the lamm that works shaft # 7. When I treadle using shaft 7 the lamm (only on the right side) shifts and remains up  wedged between shaft 7 and 8.  I have to pull up shaft 7 by hand to allow the lamm to drop back into place. Any suggestions would be gratefully appreciated.


Davie Hannaford Jr


I was looking at a photo of a Loomcraft and from your description, it sounds like some cleaning and an application of a product called " Slipit" would help quite a bit.  You can find Slipit and another similar product slide ease by doing a quick search on Amazon.com both of these products are made for drawers, Windows, and such that tend to get hard to move during humid weather or just from grime build up.  Hope this helps?  With out good photos, I'm just using an approach I would take if in your shoes...

Davie Hannaford Jr


I was looking at a photo of a Loomcraft and from your description, it sounds like some cleaning and an application of a product called " Slipit" would help quite a bit.  You can find Slipit and another similar product slide ease by doing a quick search on Amazon.com both of these products are made for drawers, Windows, and such that tend to get hard to move during humid weather or just from grime build up.  Hope this helps?  With out good photos, I'm just using an approach I would take if in your shoes...