Just added some pics of the basket I had custom-made to fit into the top of my loom. It just arrived today, and it fits perfectly and adds so much storage space. More pics here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/andsewforth/5593330052/in/set-72157626415512760 Basket--full--side The lady who made it is in Lancaster, OH Bev's Baskets Here's her website: http://www.bevsbaskets.com/


Vicki Allen (not verified)

The basket is wonderful. Your friend did a great job! You have made your Macomber bloom! Welcome and have fun weaving!

Vicki Allen

DebbieB (not verified)

I especially like the little round inserted basket for scissors, etc. It's nice that the basket slopes, too.

andsewon (not verified)

When I was cleaning the loom and noticed that the sides of the storage bin came off, I took them off so I could clean it better. Then it hit me that there was a LOT more space between the jacks that could be used. So, I went surfing and hit on the idea of having a basket made. Found Bev's Baskets, sent her the measurments and my idea of what I wanted (from looking at other styles on her site) and she created perfectly what I had in mind. I asked her to do a separate little basket for the scissors because I knew they'd get lost in the bottom and be hard to see. I have other interesting plans in the works, too. Connie

DebbieB (not verified)

I use a little basket in the storage bin for scissors, pens, small ruler, etc. to make sure they don't get down to the bottom of things.

And I never noticed that the storage bin didn't span the entire space. Hmmm... :) I think it's time for a creative upgrade.

nkeithf (not verified)

Connie, do you mind sharing how much she charged you for the basket?  I just bought a used Macomber, and would be interested in getting one for myself!





andsewon (not verified)

Hi Keith, Not at all. But since these are custom-made, you may choose something different (size, stain, detail trim) that affects the price. Here are the specifics of mine: 20" long x 5.75 deep x 9" tall (in the back) and 2.75" tall (in the front. If I were ordering another one, I think I'd make it taller in the front by another inch and another inch longer. The color is Golden Pecan with black accent trim. (The trim costs extra because she has to dye it.) $55 plus shipping. (I'm within OH and the FedEx shipping was $10.19) The small basket was $13. Hope this helps! Connie

nkeithf (not verified)

Connie, that's very reasonable!  I can't believe she can do custom work that cheap!  When I get my new-to-me B4 up and running, I'll treat myself... how long did it take her to make it?



andsewon (not verified)

Keith, I think from the time I ordered it, it was around two weeks. But I know that varies depending on if she's at shows or whatnot. She's great about ansering emails, so just ask her to be sure. What size is your loom? Connie

nkeithf (not verified)

It's a 48-in 8-s.... I'm stepping up from a 32" HD 4 shaft, so I'm getting excited about what I may be able to do....


andsewon (not verified)

Oh, you could get a BIG basket! Or two smaller ones, but I think one long one is great because you could store lease sticks, pick-up sticks/swords, warp sticks, etc. in a longer one. ;o) Connie

Penn (not verified)

if you just tucked a piece of wood that ran the length of the basket underneath it, it would support the basket where it overhangs the original bottom of the tray (those cones might make it sag a bit over time), and it would elevate the basket enough so that you'd see that nice dark detail, which seems partially hidden now. It's really a lovely piece.

andsewon (not verified)

LOL, I thought of it when I was taking pics but didn't want to stop to go find a piece that would fit. So, I put a couple of VCR tapes under it so the black trim would show in some of the pics. Great minds, you know! If I were to order another one, I'd make it a little taller in the front, I think. :o) Connie


Or you could put runners on the bottom of the basket.  I made a basket for my little CP - the basket cannot sit inside the castle on that model because the shafts are lifted to the top, they do not hang from chains like the larger macs.  I made my basket to sit above the castle with the bottom runners keeping it in place.  Pictures to come.



Michael White

you could remove the plastic and have DH put a couple of wood strips and a wooden base to bring the basket up. That is a great looking basket. Have to keep cheryl away from this site, she collects handmade baskets.


SDSue (not verified)

Hi, I used the "basket" rack that came out of my dishwasher to put things into. It is tied onto the front of the castle of my CP! It works, just not as pretty as the hand made basket.

lkautio (not verified)

I use the dishwasher basket rack, too.  Mine is a portable shuttle and tool holder for taking to a class or for a small loom project.

Laurie Autio