Hello, new poster here!
I am looking for some suggestions on how to improve my Harrisville Designs 36"  4 Shaft / 4 Treadle Loom.

I bought it this past August in Vermont and it took a month or so to bring it back up to working order - it had been sitting in a garage for who knows how long: the beaters were rusted, the leather cords of the counterbalance pulleys were a total mess... 

Anyway, the one thing that is still really off are the bottom pulley wheels right above the treadles. They should be evenly spaced apart from one another along the same lines as their respective partner pulleys up in the castle, and yet, after a few passes, one of them (the first shaft, and pulley / treadle on the far left) is pushed back by the tension of the cord and rubs up against the next one (second shaft). 

This wouldn't be the end of the world but it makes a HORRIBLE moaning / squeaking noise every time, and it probably isn't very good for the cords in any case.

Does anyone else experience this problem? How have you kept the wheels in their proper place while still letting them do their job? 

Any help would be a big help - this is my first loom and it's very scary trying to remedy problems by my lonesome! 




sequel (not verified)

Are the steel rods that hold the pulleys well seated in the cross pieces?  Do you have any ropes that are crossed up?  Finally, are your treadles set up correctly?  I each of the 4 treadles have holes in slightly different places, then make sure the holes are lined up with the right pulleys.  If they are all the same holes, check to see if rope 1 is tied the same way as all the others - rope coming up from the same hole, either front hole or back hole. 


You can always contact Harrisville and just ask.


The steel rods are well placed and not moving, it's the pulley wheel that shifts back, making the cord rub up against the next pulley wheel over. I don't think any of my treadles are tied wrong... You're right, I probably should just call Harrisville. Thanks for the help!