I'm looking for foldable loom in EU and found Lillstina that suits me. Are they still working on the market? Cause I can't find their website. 



go to link http://grapson.wordpress.com/loom-manuals/

makers name (Mr Sture Ekengren) and contact address on this manual for LILLSTINA. You would have to write to them the old-fashioned way!

But I don't know if they still make looms or are in business. Sture Ekengren was an artist/inventer and made the loom for his textile designer wife & artist Kerstin Ekengren. 

Good luck!



Mr Ekengren died in the mid-1990ies, and I don't think he had manufactured any looms for several years. (Maybe someone else "bought the pattern", but I haven't seen a new/newish Lillstina here in Sweden for at least 25 years)


Thanks. Any advise what manufacture produce folding looms in EU? I've fallen for Schacht of course, but it's not so easy to buy it used in states and ship here.