I am looking for a 100 or 120 cm glimakra loom. Please let me know if you have or know anyone who has one for sale. [email protected]


Joanne Hall

Do check the used loom listings on the website.

Also, where do you live?  in the US? 



Thank you Joanne, I have checked your site. I am in Connecticut.







Joanne Hall

in New Jersey, newly listed on Weavolution.


sally orgren

Here are some images of the Glimakra Standard loom that is available.

It comes with lots of extras, including the bench and a variety of reed sizes.

Best bet is to view the loom in person Sunday, March 25, 9-5, Iselin, New Jersey. (The loom location is close to the MetroPark station.) The loom is warped and ready to weave, so it can be test-driven. After March 25th, the loom may be dissembled and moved.

10S/12T, with 20 shaft drawloom attachment. Purchased in 1982, original paperwork supplied, well-cared for.

For more information, contact: [email protected]