Hello to the RH gang. Now that we are all gathered together in one group, let's meet each other. I am one of the founders of Weavolution and a very new weaver of only 4 years. My first loom was a Schacht Baby Wolf and then a Navajo loom. I took a 2 year break to practice weaving and take a couple workshops and classes. Then, I bought an 8 harness Tools of the Trade loom which named itself Ethel, no other loom I own has begged for a name but she did. Last Christmas I received a Kromski Harp, about 6 months after investing in 50% ownership of a Kromski Sonata spinning wheel. I love the Harp, it's a delight to use and to warp. Plus, when we travel by car, which seems like fairly often with the youngest child in college, I can take it along. I have done some weaving in the car but mostly I enjoy having it along in the evenings when my partner is too tired to do much after the long drive to eastern North Carolina from DC (7-8 hours) to either drop off or pick up his son from UNC Wilimington. Also, we go to Williamsburg, VA at least once and often twice a year and having the Harp along is fun for the evenings we're not strolling around CW (Colonial Williamsburg). I have made napkins, a scarf, a table runner and now have a shawl that is almost finished with my Harp. I love it and am very impressed with the service from New Voyager Trading. My warp helper broke in January and I wrote to them and received a brand new one free of charge in less than 2 weeks. Also, the DVD that came with the Harp was extremely helpful in getting me. started. Introduce yourself, tell us about you, your weaving, your plans, whatever. I'd love to get a WAL started in the fall, right now I am a bit preoccupied and enjoying every minute of Weavolution. I hope you are too! Claudia, rigid heddlers mom and Weavolution co-founder.


djfiberarts (not verified)

Oh my gosh! Leather handbags...took me right back to the 70's. I had a bag just like that and it always smelled like Juicy Fruit gum and Dr. Pepper Lipsmacker inside, lol! Nice blog. Welcome :)


claudia (not verified)

OK, there are two tricks to uploading photos successfully.

1.  Read the Help file here and open it in another window in your browser to follow along the first time through.


2.  When posting on a forum, you can upload pictures that will display with the text.  To do so, follow the following steps:

Click on the little photo icon in the editor (second to last icon on the right).

Click on the tab titled ‘Upload” and then click on “Browse” (or click on the Browse Server button and then on the “Browse” at the bottom of the popup window.)

A menu will pop up from your computer giving you the ability to navigate to your file.

Click on the file of your choice (jpg, png…).

The pop up window will close and you will be directed back to the window labeled “ Image Properties”  Click on “send it to the server”

The “Image Properties” window will come up with the picture appearing in the “Preview” box on the lower right side.

On the left side of the “Image Properties” window you will see the width and height in pixels of the file you have chosen.  Next to those numbers are two icons.  If you want to resize the photo, decrease or increase the top number to the number of pixels you want.  You will be able to see the result in the preview.

If you want to reset the photo size, click on  icon which will return the photo to its original size.

Click OK.

Once you have gone through the steps to upload a photo, you might find it easier than you thought.  I am not great with computers but I found this easy once I learned to click on the tab labeled "Upload" and not use the first tab.

Hope this helps.





Braizyn (not verified)

Hi all!

I'm Judy, I live in the SF Bay area.  I have an ashford knitter's loom and while I can do a great plain weave, I want to learn more about rigid heddle weaving.  I bought the kit to add another reed to my weaving but I haven't used it yet. 

claudia (not verified)

Hi Judy,

Welcome to the group!  We are starting a weave-along on Nov 6 to learn to do log cabin structure on a rigid heddle loom.  I'll start posting next week about what you will need to get started.  I hope you'll join us!

And thanks for stopping by to say hi.

If you want to do a small project with 2 heddles, you can check out Weavezine rigid heddle project with 2 heddles.

Claudia, co-founder Weavolution and Rigid heddler mom

knitsalot (not verified)

Hi I'm Joanne,  very new to weaving. I bought a second hand Kromski Harp 24" and attempted my first scarf last weekend.  I somehow did not find this group and created a second one for Kromski Rigid Heddle Weavers. 

I also knit, crochet, sew, quilt, embroider, tat and spin.  This seemed like the next thing to dabble in.

I live on Long Island, am married with two sons, and have one cat who is very incompatible with fiberarts. She has a bad habit of drowning balls of yarn in her water dish if we don't keep an eye on her. Or weaving our kitchen chairs together with yarn...or running off with handknit mittens and hiding them....you get the idea.



claudia (not verified)

Welcome Joanne.  I was born and raised in Hempstead.  My family moved north to Sea Cliff when I was 12 but I still consider Hempstead home.  I now live near Washington, DC and like it here but wouldn't mind moving a bit further south.  Maybe in another 10 years.

Join us for the log cabin weave-along.  Have you found the weaving calculator in the Resources area?  It's a great tool for figuring out how long to make a warp and how much weft is needed for each project.

Nice to have you join us.

Claudia, Weavolution co-founder and RH mom

francorios (not verified)

Greetings to the new people!

Welcome to the obsession.

Have a good day!

Franco Rios, Sacramento, Calif

Ariaya (not verified)

 I realized that I never introduced myself .. woops!

I'm Victoria, and I've been weaving for a fairly short time.  I do a lot of fiber crafts (I also spin, crochet and knit) so everything has to take a turn :)  I'm still at the wobbly selvages stage of weaving but I love the stuff that you can make with woven items!   I have an Ashford 20" knitters loom and am loving it so far.

~ Victoria