createIt@theARTSgarage – first session February 27th!

ARTSgarage is a remodeled garage space in Los Angeles dedicated to teaching and learning. I will teach the occasional fiber workshop and host createIT@the ARTSgarage.  CreateIT@the ARTSgarage offers teaching artists and educators an opportunity to embrace and celebrate their own creativity. We use the fiber arts as our vehicle of expression, working with simple processes and materials on hand in the studio. These quarterly sessions are free, but require pre-registration.  The first createIT is scheduled for February 27.  

 Please link to to find out more and join the mailing list.

ARTSgarage also offers an extensive reference library on a broad range of textile and educational topics. This library is available by appointment only. 



Claudia Segal (not verified)

Hi Cameron,

This is a wonderful idea.  Is it geared to certain age groups?  What part of LA are you in?  This sounds like an amazing undertaking.  I am very curious, did you receive a grant to get it started?  I am not in the LA area but there are lots of Californians on Weavolution.  You might consider adding this to the Classes and Workshops forum.

Forums are seem by everyone on Weavo, groups by the members only.

Keep us posted on how it goes,

Claudia Segal, Weavolution co-founder