Hello, fellow weavers in this 'weaving to sell' group. Since we are all interested in selling our woven work, I want to say that I have recently joined a site called TAFA List...The Textile And Fiber Art List! The site is relately new, beautiful, woooooooonderful and is easy to move around in, or, if I had difficulties getting my profile page set up, I had quick help!  TAFA is focused on the success of their members who are in all fiber art media and looks at the selling side of this weaving craft that we do because we love it soooooooo much....no, they don't want a purrrrrrrrcentage of sales...go check it!

Their membership page is:  http://www.tafalist.com/membership

Their home page is:  http://www.tafalist.com/

And my profile page is:  http://www.tafalist.com/members/cat-brysch-creations-studio

I have decided to write you all about TAFA because I think it's going to help me get my woven goodies out into the world...this is a global site...check out the TAFA Member Map, click to zoom in/out, arrows to move around, it can be found on the home page or at:  http://www.tafalist.com/worldmap

I want to mention few things...you get some free pages for photos of your wares and then you can puuuurrrrrrrrchase more (in groups of 4) for so little that I plan to buy another 8 pages very soon (after I get good photos of the products)and these photos are 'good' for 4 months, at their rate that comes to $1.56 per page...your membership fee is not per year but one-time.... I have learned sooooooooo much about good photographs, how to get my sites (blog, Etsy Shop, etc) to communicate with each other and I had never understood how to do all that before!

Anyway, I'm getting long-winded, so I'll stop now. I just have a feeling that TAFA will be of interest to some of you!

Many Happy Returns, Cat B.