If we have 39(!) skeins to dye in the next two weeks, are you going to make a big ole dyebath and scoop as needed? If so, do you suppose you'll just take apprx. 300ml x 39 skeins for 11,700ml ?




Karren K. Brito

Yeap, looks like you will need 11 700 mL if you don't spill a drop.  Let's see 11 700ml =11.7L or a little more than 12 quarts or 3 gallons.  Five gallon buckets are common, they come with drywall compound or paint in them and have lids.  I actaully reuse cat litter plastic containers, but not everyone has the abundant supply that I have.  Or you can make a gallon at a time in an old milk jug.