I thought a good place to start in our online forum would be hot topics.

Feel free to comment your hot topic here!



Is anyone else as exhausted as I am after yesterday? Carol and I drove back to Bedfordshire, and after I dropped her off I went home and sat on the sofa - which is where I stayed until I went to bed at 8.30!  Just can't take the pace any more (although it might also be that my menfolk were watching cricket, and tucked up peacefully in bed I could follow up the suggestions/hints/websites/references from the day on my tablet.)

Erica J

I agree Exidia (btw do you prefer we use yiur user ID or your name here?). Our face to face meetjngs are so exciting I too I am usually to bed early. My ststement of intent has heloed me focus my studies on straight draw. I brought part of my studies so far to the meeting. I need to twust the fringe and wet finish wgat I brought it had just been cut off yhe loom tge day before.

I have wound a shadoweave warp. This will go on my AVL Little Weaver compudobby. i am going to tgrwad all 24 shafts in straight draw and play! I may forever tie just tue tge next warp onto tge previous warp! :)


Sorry I couldn't be there on Tuesday and meet you all. I so much wanted to come but had driven 700 miles in the preceding 3 days and couldn't face any more! I have been go using on tapestry weaving over the past 6 months and loving it. I do want to return to my cloth weaving though so if there were any particular themes or projects for next time I would love to know. Best Karen



I'm happy to use my name - it gets complicated enough trying to remember who everyone is with just one name to cope with!


I'm not at all surprised you couldn't face driving, I found it tough at a much shorter distance.

The plan remains to set yourself a target via a statement of intent, and then produce work or samples at the next meeting. Several people are working in doublecloth, but in many different ways, so that should be interesting.

I'd love to see the tapestry, it really interests me, but I have too much on my plate right now to take on something else!