Well got part of the homework uploaded, apparent issues again. In case you can't see the values the dark background is 5/ , the chip for the lettering is 8/, it's hue is 5YR 8/6. I choose the /6 because it will stand out on the 5/ but not be "jarring" like i imagine the /8 would be. What do you think?

There got it! The hue is RP the value is 5/. I choose that value because it appears half way between the 1/ &9/. leaning neither to the white or black. I choose two chromas 10/ and 12/. Now that I see the photo I choose the 12/. A strong PR chroma stands equally on the black and white. I did not choose yellow because  feel the 5/ is too close to the black and the 8/ at any chroma is to close to the white.






meant /10 & /12 chromas. I 'll get this notation down someday:)

Karren K. Brito

I too like the higher chroma pink with B&W but in the end the two chromas give different feelings.  /10 is quieter and /12 is high energy or screaming depending on if you have a headache or not.

Mary Rios (not verified)

i don't get where we are suppose to get these chips? do they come from our packages?



colors for a fabric design #1

5PB 4/4,5P 5/10,5RP 5/ 6/4,5R 7/8,5YR 8/6, N/9

above; fabric design #2

5PB4/4, 5P 5/2,5RP 6/10, 5R 7/8, 5YR 8/8, N/9

 A.1 below; 5PB 4/4, 5P 4/4, 5RP 4/4, 5R 4/4, 5YR 4/4, N9

below; 5PB 4/4, B 4/4, BG 4/4, G 4/4, GY 4/4, N/9

below was difficult because the values stopped increasing at the 8/. The exercise wants the value to keep increasing. At least that is my understanding of it. I still think I got the gist of it though.

PB4/4, 5P 5/8, 5RP 6/85R 7/8, 5YR 8/8, 5Y 8/6, 5 GY 8/4, 5G 8/2, 5BG 8/2, 5B 8/2, N/9.

below; this series of chips looks"lively", more contrast then sequence above in ex. A.1, which was of dark value 4/.

The shape of these chips above would be a "bulging" shpere.

C. Hue becomes a lighter value and but stronger chroma, on grey background vs. white background. (very unsure of this)

The below are the 5 major families in the Munsell Wheel.


Personal favorites are the fabric designs where the values increase by 1 step, followed with the natural progression around the hue circle with different chromas. Sense of randomness but pleasing orderness to the eye.