Ack! It’s that time of year….at The Woolery, we’ve turned our focus to super-fast gifts you can make in a jiffy! All month long, we’ll be discussing crafty ways to make thoughtful gifts for your friends and loved ones.

No matter your crafting persuasion, we’ve got what you need this holiday season - be it supplies, inspiration, or just a little encouragement!  Naturally, we'll be focusing on projects to weave in this group (hop over to our Ravelry Group if you'd like to discuss other crafty ideas for holiday gifts!). 

Here are some great project ideas from WeaveZine to get you started:

Spa Wash Cloths
Woven Bookmarks
Mitered-Loop Keyhole Scarf
Woven Shibori Scarf

We've also got some great weaving yarns at fantastic prices (especially if you purchase cones!) - for spa cloths, we highly recommend Bamboo Cones and Cottolin Cones.  You can click here to view our entire stock of weaving yarns, too!


What are your favorite gifts to weave? 


Erica J

Hmm finally some inspiration for holiday gifts! Thank you!!! Cheers, Erica

The WooleryGuy (not verified)

You're welcome!  We'll be posting all sorts of fun projects between now and the end of the year - be sure to check back if you need a fresh dose of inspiration!