In the book "The Handweaver's Pattern Directory"  by Anne Dixon there is a photo of a scarf that intrigues me.  On page 192 there is a scarf with flared ends. The weave structure is Crammed and Spaced, or varied sett warp, but that's not what's responsible for the flare, is it?  I was thinking that the flare would be due to the specific weft yarn, maybe one that doesn't shrink, while the rest of the weft and the warp shrinks evenly?  If that's the case, wouldn't it happen with any weave structure?   I'm sorry I can't reproduce the photo to show what I mean, but I'm hoping someone either has the book or can visualize what I mean.  My question is, how to achieve this flare, either by weave structure or yarn selection, and specifically what yarns?  

Thanks in advance, I appreciate anyone who waded through this rather lengthy post!


Peg.Cherre (not verified)

I went & looked at the image, and I don't know the answer.  My only guess is that it's all about a difference in the weft fiber.  She says what the scarf is made of, but I'm still guessing those ends are a different fiber, not just a different color.  I'm hoping someone has a good, clear answer -- I'd love to hear it, too!