I have an 8 shaft loom with a 26" width. I have made a test run on a small scale double weave towel which turned out prefect, surprisingly the first time! I am now working on a small plain weave pattern but for a triple weave blanket with a full width of 66". Now the double weave lift pattern I used for 4 shafts was: Lift 1 Lift 1,2,3 Lift 1,3,4 Lift 3 For the life of me I can not figure this out for 6 shafts to make a triple weave lift pattern. Unless I am way over thinking this and the answer is staring at me. I did see a previous post by another user a few years back with their beautiful end result of a triple weave blanket. Can someone please assist me with this, so I can stop pulling me hair out. Thank you!



I've not done one, but logically speakjng, if the top layer was on 1 and 2, the middle layer on 3 and 4, and the bottom layer on 5 and 6, wouldn't it be something like this?

1 2 3 4 5 up, 6 down

1 2 3 up, 456 down

1 up, 23456 down

2 up, 13456 down

124 up, 356 down

12346 up, 5 down?


I believe you have it Pammersw :)

The software can't show more than a double weave in fabric view. You should get Jennifer Moore's book if you pursue 'Doubleweave' :)

Andrew Kieran (not verified)

I did a little 4 layer weaving last year.  I'm not at home the now,  but I'll get my notes out when I get home later today,  I had to come up with new notation to make the drafting clear. 


When constructing multi-layer fabrics I find it much easier to use different colours for the different layers (and I use different tones for warp and weft, too).

My favourite way of making sure the folds get correct is to use a paper weaving of the whole structure, then folding it as I want it folded on the loom. The next step is to analyze the layers, then combining the results. (There are a couple of articles on my website on how I construct double layers - here, for instance.)

If using the "auto"-anything of weaving software, remember that there are often ways to shuffle the sometimes not-too-easy-to-remember threadings/threadlings that the auto-feature suggests.

Here is ReedGuy's example "shuffled", with colours added:

(I may be unique, but I find it easier to both thread and treadle straight, if at all possible...)


Yes, looks like a good idea Kerstin. But I have to first write it the other way before I can write it your way. Easy for me to conceptualize it. Also all the books I have do not do it your way. ;)


Thanks to all for your help! Again I am going to do a small sample to work everything out. Once it's done I will post my results! :0)