Hi, I am new to Backstrap weaving.  I stumbled upon this site when researching card weaving.  I do many fiber arts.  Knitting, Crochet, Bobbin Lace, Romanian Point Lace, Traditional Rug Hooking  and now have dove head first into card weaving and backstrap weaving.  I avoided weaving because I just didn't need another craft, but because I like the challenge of learning a new art I just couldn't resist any longer.  I have done my first narrow learning piece and it was pretty bad. I warped up my backstrap this weekend and had many problems getting the warp right.  Wrong number of rounds and I kept messing up the order of my warp strings.  Grr.  But to make a long story short, this evening I was able to get to start weaving.  It is really looking pretty good.  I will post picture when it is done. 

I look forward to making new friends here.  It looks like everyone here is real friendly and lots of help to each other.





Welcome to Weavolution and the world of weaving! You are right! Everyone is very friendly and helpful. We also have some very knowledgable people here. I am looking forward to seeing your finished weaving projects. Oh, yes, you do know weaving looms are loke potato chips! You can never have too many of them. LOL

Aunt Janet (not verified)

Hi Bobbie,

   I love that comment "I didn't need another craft."  That is how I came into spinning.  I was a watercolor artist, wanted to make my own paper.  I took my paper craft to the local fiber fair, where I walked around trying to not look at all the cool stuff.  I had to give in.  So, spinning became my passion.  If I wove anything, it had to be my handspun.  It took a while to realize that if I really wanted to learn to weave, I would have to use some commercial yarns.  I still spin more than I weave, but I am not adverse to using commercial yarns.  I'm back to admiring those yarns these days, but still prefer handspun when I can.

I hope you enjoy your weaving experience and participate often on Weavolution.

Aunt Janet

Bobbie2 (not verified)

 to mention.  That I also spin, quilt and Cross Stitch.  LOL  See what I mean. So many projects and so little time.

Lauries (not verified)

Welcome to the wonderfull world of weaving.

patternwhisperer (not verified)

Welcome, from one newbie to another.