I have a 22", 8 H, HD loom that is new to me.  When I step on a treadle the shed opens but the bottom threads rise up about an inch above the race.  This is causing the shuttle to get stuck in the bottom threads or go under the treads it should be traveling over.  Can anyone give me some guidance as to the height of the shafts, and should the warp threads be sitting in the middle of the heddle eye or lower?


Brenda Ocker (not verified)

I have a 22", 8 H, HD loom that is new to me.  When I step on a treadle the shed opens but the bottom threads rise up about an inch above the race.  This is causing the shuttle to get stuck in the bottom threads or go under the treads it should be traveling over.  Can anyone give me some guidance as to the height of the shafts, and should the warp threads be sitting in the middle of the heddle eye or lower?


Where the thread is in the eye of the heddle isn't usually important.  The warp threads should be lying on the bottom of the reed, which usually means they travel slightly down from the heddles to the breast beam.  When you raise several shafts on a jack loom, the rising shed may pull shafts up that you don't want.  Often, you can help this by threading the pattern upside down so that fewer shafts are raised. You also   need to make sure that shafts aren't catching on each other when they raise.  

ellen santana

i don't have an hd loom, but i have a jack loom.  the unused harnesses were rising when i treadled.  i put weights on the harnesses so they would all stay where they were supposed to.  es


If this is a new-to-you loom, I'm wondering if the heddles are wire or texolv?  When I bought a used 36" HD, it had no heddles, and I was advised to purchase texolv to reduce noise.  No one mentioned that the weight difference would cause exactly the issue you are describing, and I didn't know any better at the time.  Jack looms depend on the weight of the harness and heddles to keep the down harnesses from being carried along with the raised harnesses.  Once I swapped out the texolve for inserted eye wire heddles, the problem was solved (I also find the wire heddles easier to work with - texolve never slid smoothly on the harness frames, makeing threading up a real wrestling match).

mmmcarmo (not verified)

Sounds like you need to adjust the height of the harness by lowering it with the harness chain.  You can add ‘s’ hooks to do this.  The harnesses should all be the same level and the top of the harness bar should be about 9 inches from the top of the loom.

Do you have an assembly manual?  Harrisvill Designs, Inc. (603)827-3333