So - what is the final prognosis?  How did you enjoy your challenge?  What was the most important thing you discovered?

I stepped out of my box and although the projects were painfully slow to weave I added some new info to my weave bag of tricks and will probably add some fulled, felted and shrunken wares to my future inventory.  Thank you to all who participated and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!



I managed to challenge myself in ways I would not have done without the halloweave.

First I had to clear my loom of the project in progress, meaning that for the first time ever I had to hurry up and get things done. Otherwise I have kept my weaving as a special place with no hurry or stress, just quiet enjoyment. Therefore it was interesting, and not at all unpleasant to experience a little stress. And I finished some towels that will be fine for christmas presents.

For my halloweave project I have done more sampling than I have ever done before. It was useful, but not useful enough. I ended up fulling too much. I got too cocky because I have done somme fulling before of knitted things, and they needed a lot of fulling. In stead of a scarf, I made a dragon´s tail. It will actually be another sample, as I want to make another scarf with differential shrinking later. Next time I will be more careful.

Finally I wanted to try and weave with some finer yarn than I have done before, and I really liked weaving with the thin cotton and woollen yarns.

Conclusion: Great fun and very useful. I learned a lot, but then I still have a lot to learn about weaving.


B P (not verified)

I too enjoyed weaving for this Halloweave Team.

I started to experiment with differential shrinkage and found IT'S SO MUCH FUN!!

Thanks for giving me a reason to start's just what I needed to get going!



I really enjoyed the challenge.  I doubt I would have tried the overshot patterned double weave project if I hadnt committed to do it for Halloweave.  Wish I hadnt run out of yarn, but I will end up with two medium sized runners instead of the one long runner I planned.


ruthmacgregor (not verified)

Me, too!  Me, too!  I'd never done any differential shrinking on purpose, and I really enjoyed the scarf I did -- so much so that I've warped the loom with a second ruffly scarf (this time with longer merino floats, just to see if it makes rufflier ruffles).  ...I probably wouldn't have ventured down this path without HalloWeave.

It was great seeing everyone else's work, too -- in our group and elsewhere.  In true Weavolution fashion, people with more experience jumped in to help those of us who had wide eyes with the newness of our experiments.

All in all, it was a fabulous month.


bolivian warmi

Back online after the big snow in the east. I was staying at The Mannings for the two days' outage....imagine this...huge yarn store to play in, pretty fall snow pics to snap, sitting in the evenings by the fire surrounded by a mountain of Handwoven mags, chatting with Tom Knisely, lovely Ron and Carol to hang out with....can't feel too sorry for myself AND my workshop went off without a hitch.

So a belated happy halloween  to all. Halloweave was fun. Thank you for organizing it

SallyE (not verified)

It was fun to watch the projects develop.   I've never done a weave to shrink, but watching the projects made me want to try one myself!


marlenedg (not verified)

Great Fun! I learned a lot of new stuff and finished the Great Grand sons Blanket. I'll post pictures in just a bit as I am working on an Embroidery order and work has to come first. Now I can't wait to get back to the loom and warp it again for so more rugs.

 Oh ya, I am going to go look at another loom tomorrow. Slap my hands but it is smaller and may be portable and I could have bags and placemats warped on there and leave my rug loom alone. Hubby could weave on the smaller loom as he is getting interested.

 All in all Halloweave was great fun! Lets do it again!



I'm so glad to read such glowing praise. The volunteers worked very hard to make this event happen, so it is fantastic to see that so many enjoyed themselves during Halloweave!

I hope that we can provide an equally challenging and enjoyable event next year.



Alice Schlein

After last night's class ("Triple Play"), I wrote a blog post here, and received some interesting comments. One was that asking students to mute microphones is considered good web etiquette. It's also plain good sense, as it avoids that awful audio feedback. They can turn them on to ask a question, and then turn them back off. The other comment is that the ability to save downloaded class recordings is turned off at the administrative level. Do you know anything about that? Can it be turned back on?