Confront, conquer and complete.

  For the project that spooks you!

 For the structure that spooks you!

  All things weaving... that spook you!

Grapple with the project that spooks you


Add your ideas.


Mary Rios (not verified)

Vanishing cobwebs...


B P (not verified)

I'm liking 'for the project that spooks you', as we are encouraging all things fiber.

How about...'for the fiber project that spooks you'?

'Clear the cobwebs with (or at?) HALLOWEAVE...for the fiber project the spooks you!'



Claudia Segal (not verified)

Conquer the project that spooks you.

Complete the incomplete

Face your weavig demons

Conquer your weaving demons

Karren K. Brito


I think this one is great.  It has the energy, and embodies the idea that you will confront and do something.

HALLOWEAVE-dare your demon!


Claudia Segal (not verified)

Do we need to include spinning and weaving? Halloweave- dare your spinning & weaving demon!

Karren K. Brito

This logo is animated, don't know if that works here or not.  Thank Mary.

B P (not verified)

Wow, I like this logo! Thanks Mary


Claudia Segal (not verified)

Yikes how cool is that!! I like it lots. Claudia