I've heard of other weavers doing twills without using floating salvedges, but I've never heard,seen or read  how this is done. I'm starting a project using a straight draw on a 4S 6T loom. Can anybody help me out with this?





Without a floating selvedge there will be two thread floats at the selvedge. Some people find this is a problem. Personally, I don't. Cheers Laura

AnnaR (not verified)

There is a way to weave twill without floating selvedge. Threading on heddles 1-2-3-4, 1-2-3-4, etc (straight draft), you shoul begin with heddle 1 on your left, ending with heddle 4 on the right. Then start weaving: raise 1and2 and insert the shuttle from right to left; raise heddles 2and3 and insert shuttle from left to right; heddles 3and4 and insert shuttle from right to left; heddles 1and4 and insert shuttle from left. Continue mantaining the same sequence and inserting the shuttle in the same order. The selvedges will be neat and easy to manage. Hope it makes sense. Let me know, I'll try to explain better...


Forgot to mention that you can also thread basket weave for selvedge a. I posted a draft to my profile here on weavolution... Cheers Laura


Ken, I was just wondering why you want to avoid using floating selvedges?

cottageweaver (not verified)

I have woven lots of twill, and very rarely have used floating selvedges.  The only time I add them is if there is a noticeable problem without them ... and most often, there isn't.  If the twill isn't 'catching', you can sometimes just start your shuttle from the opposite side, or drop a thread from the selvedge on the side with the uncaught thread, or try AnnaR's method. Here's a previous thread with more information:  http://weavolution.com/forum/weaving/when-floating-selvage-really-necessary-17772  If you are more comfortable with floating selvedges, though, by all means use them!