I posted this review on Goodreads and Claudia suggested I post it here to see if anyone has the errata sheet for this book.

This is a beautifully photographed and printed book with many very attractive weaving projects. But the first project I wanted to weave has some serious errors in the draft information. I wish I could find errata for this book so I could know what other errors are lurking! So buyer beware - work up a draw down by hand or by computer before you go to weave your project or you may be in for some surprises.

I have the hardback 2010 Trafalgar Square edition.  The draft I was looking at is on p.62 of my book - Black & White Hand Towels with Color Effects.  I figured out that I had misread the complex tie up, but the book did not indicate the correct color sequence for the warp threads - the main section alternates black & white threads.



that came with my copy.  I have scanned it.  I will pm you.  There are three drafts on it:  pg 62, 72, 94



sally orgren

as I have the book.

Many thanks for taking the time to post here and share with fellow weavers.



Kiiki (not verified)

If so, I have my copy scanned as well and would be happy to e-mail it to you.

Sharon (fellow Jockey Hollow weaver)


I have the book, and decided to warp for black and white towels  and am quite confused.  Would you mind emailing me the errata.  Much appreciated.


desertweaver (not verified)


  I am in need of the errata as well.  My software says my drawdown is not square but diamond shape.  Many thanks, 


sally orgren

I do not have the errata.

See messages above: theresasc or Kiiki appear to have these files. You can send them a PM request.