Is your guild planning a special event eg sale and/or show this fall and winter? The Sunshine Coast Spinners and Weavers Guild will hold our annual show and sale "Fibres Plus" on Sat Nov 21 from 10 a.m til 3 p.m. at the Seaside Centre in Sechelt. We will have fabulous juried fibre items for sale as well as demonstrations, door prizes and a back sale table.  We also feature 4 or 5 other local artists such as pottery, glass, wood, jewelery. This is our main fundraising event for the guild (the guild takes15% commission on items sold) and is also our main promotional and educational event for community awareness. We have regular customers as we have had this event for a number of years now and usually have a line up of people at the door waiting to get in at 10. It is lots of fun and most members participate in some way. We have a sale committee set up in Feb and start advertising at summer events. We hosted a spin in/knit out tent recently at the Gibsons Landing Fibre Arts Festival and distributed flyers promoting our guild and the sale