WOOHOO I am taking my first class at JCC at the end of May I am taking a plunge and taking the RH class with Syne Mitchell I am currently taking a beginners class locally so at least I know the terms and get some practice in Is anyone else taking that class? Becky


kbird (not verified)

Not me, but I appreciate your enthusiasm... I am thinking of taking a class there this fall...

Bonnie Inouye (not verified)

Syne is great. She's super-smart and very outgoing and she loves teaching rigid heddle classes. She started and ran WeaveCast and then WeaveZine, and keeps both available for free online, even though she has started a regular full-time job now. She has also written several science fiction novels. I think you will have a great time. Take a look at WeaveZine:


arubinst (not verified)

I'm leaving next week to take the Earth Day beginner's 4 shaft weaving class with Pam Howard.  I'm really excited too.  I've heard such great things about JCCFS.   I just got my 1st loom about 5 weeks ago, and I'm working on warping it alone for the 2nd time now.  I'm really looking foward to speeding up my learning curve.

Cheekyredhead (not verified)

I wonder if I could find the funds in my budget to make the class?

71Bear (not verified)

hope I see you there we really cant afford it, but its something I have really wanted to do and I figure just go for it, I realized once I hit my late 40's that I want to learn the things I didnt want to learn when i was growing up: Knitting (check-kinda) Hand quiltin (check) Sewing - learning Weaving -learning Chickens -learning Bees-check Becky

arubinst (not verified)

I wish I could stay to take both the beginning weaving and the RH class that is being held the following week, but I can't afford to take that much time away from home.   I just got a RH loom too (and an inkle loom).   You can see I just jump into things when I get enthused about something.  I really like having 2 projects going, because warping on my floor loom takes me about a week, and on the RH , I was able to start weaving in less than 90 minutes.  

71Bear (not verified)

I tend to jump into new things with both feet also I took a beginners class locally with Claudia Segal and was able to borrow different RH looms I just picked up my RH Loom - I got a Kromski 24inch So I got my feet wet and am all geared up last year I decided I wanted to learn to knit, so I went bought yarn and needles and turned on youtube to learn (now I knit hats, and socks) I decided I wanted to learn to weave and here I am Becky