
bolivian warmi

I m giggling because I saw the gorgeous scarf picture on the projects page and thought...'this looks like Ellen, now where has she been?" and I was right! So is this your loom in your summer home?

Ellen (not verified)

Ha, you know me too well if you can spot a scarf like that as having my "fingerprint".

Yes, that is taken in my weaving paradise, the top west room of my summer house with a view out to the sand dunes and the fir trees :-) I have just come back from another month out there, and will be going again a lot these summer months. And boy do I miss my weaving friends when I'm away! And I'm deeply envoius of your fantastic trip round the USA.

emhoog (not verified)

Hi Ellen, very nice work and ..... how about an internet connection in your summer house. Then you would not have to miss your weavolution friends! Regards, Els

Ellen (not verified)

Hi, Els,

Oh, I have a strong wish for that, but it is fairly expensive, so... and besides, I get a lot of weaving done out there, as I am not spending hours here chatting with good friends ;-)


Finished Length Unit
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Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

I used the draft from Madelyn van der Hoogt's Double weave book : colour windows. Then had fun inventing my own design of stripes, how wide, how long to go through to the other side. 

I made another one just like it using a grey cashmere from Colourmart, and a red silk 30/2 from BC Garn

Number of Shafts
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Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit