Well, my fulled merino scarf is done.  I decided to see how far I could full and felt it, I felted  it alright!  See......

However, I have one scarf left to weave which should be fulled appropriately as in the first sample and...

Well, let me backtrack, we have a puppy, the puppy ate my son's homework his first day of school.  The teacher is old school (no pun intended).  NO HOMEWORK EXCUSES! So I zerox/copy his homework (tears and teethmarks) and he hands in his assignment.  We explain what happened and also if she wanted proof - I have it on camera...... look......see!

So back to the fulled merino debacle - I go to my sons baseball game leaving my teen daughter in charge (not).  I come home to a string of seine twine, I tug the string, and tug, tug, tug some more, 16 yards later!  I suppose the dog thinks he is a kitten and voila! the remainder of the spool of twine. 

 So, let me get out the vacuum (I have a swish motorhead Dyson which was mucho mula) and my teen daughter exclaims "he nibbled on the vacuum wire just a little".  By little, the wire is held together by one micro size piece of copper wire.  I mourn for my vacuum.  Then I see paper from my loom????? 

How did he.....hold on, now I see fine merino yarn, all jumbled up....see.......

I'll let you draw your own conclusion on the outcome of the scarf to be woven.


(I need a Calgon moment)
















Sounds like you need a valium....  :(



Dawn McCarthy

Or a bee-bee gun! Darned dog!


bolivian warmi

What?! No picture of the sweet puppy???

Dawn McCarthy

He's in the dog house!

Here he is

Sure - he looks all sweet and innocent here!



I can commiserate completely - while I did not have project eaten off loom my dear sweet puppies destroyed an nearly finished baby jackt I had knit and then proceeded to undo the extra skeins of yarn. So far they have stayed away from the loom - and yes - they also chewed through the vacuum chord and my cell phone charger! But they are so cute - most of the time. . .