Hello all together,

I have a big dilemma and I am happy if somebody can help me.

I am planning to buy a dobby computer loom and I am thinking about a Louet Magic Dobby 70cm/ 24 harnesses or about a Toika Liisa 100 cm/ 24 harnesses. I don't have so much space right now for a Toika, the Louet loom would be no problem but the price for the Toika Liisa loom is quite good. When the Toika is good, I will have to rent a studio... Does anybody have experiences with these looms? Where are the advantages and disadvantages? I am in contact with Jukka and a voice in my head tells me to buy the Toika...

Also I would like to hear some experiences with Weavepoint and Fiberworks, which software is better? Weavepoint is quite expensive.... I am a student so I am happy if there are good and cheaper alternatives. But if there are big differences between both softwares and Weavepoint the best option I will spend the money.

 Thanks for helping me!




I would decide on which loom first, then buy the software that will drive the dobby.  

Personally I use Fiberworks.  I bought it back in the 1980's fairly soon after it became available.  It does pretty much everything I want it to do.  Bob Keates gives pretty good customer service, too.  :)



Sara von Tresckow

1. There is no better or simpler dobby mechanism than the Toika. It has few moving parts and is solidly built - I purchased mine used and it is something like 10 years old now and has never missed a pick (except when my foot does funky things on the pedal) and just WORKS.

2. If you are buying a new (or used) Toika dobby, the Weavepoint software is part of the package. If you are purchasing used, be sure that the owner passes that license along to you with the loom. Otherwise, with new dobbies, the software is a reasssonably large portion of the cost.

Loom depth is an important part of weaving, the deeper the loom, the better the fabric produced. 

Dawn McCarthy

I suggest trying the different types if possible.  I love my AVL dobby - and although there are a few more moving parts than the TOIKA & Louet - I like the feel of it.  I owned a Louet and also did not care for it (quiet and low profile) as it lacked heft and the tension I am accustomed to on my AVL.  I love TOIKA products but did not care for how the Toika test drove (I was surprised myself, just didn't like the feel of it).  Nothing against either product, I just have a preference for the feel and speed of the AVL although I know many love the TOIKA and Louet.  Re: software - I use both Fiberworks and Pixeloom.  I like the way Pixeloom tracks the picks during weaving and like Fiberworks for it's design capability.  


Dawn McCarthy

I believe the Toika comes with Weavepoint?  I love the Toika looms (countermarche non computerized) - great product.  A lot less expensive and sturdier than the Louet.  The louet is far more compact and "lighter" to use especially for those with hip and back issues.  Can you seek them out to try?  
