Is there such a thing as clip-on heddles that you can insert where you have missed a heddle? I am not good at making heddles and hate having to rethread.



something called a repair heddle - its wire, untwists at the ends - you un twist put it on where needed , twist the ends together to hold in place and weave away


Thanks Endorph. Who sells these wire heddles?


Woolery carries them - others probably do to - you can google it to see where else might have them

sally orgren

Just use a pair of wire cutters. Clip a heddle mid-way down the loop at top, and again at the bottom. You can then clip this home-made "repair" heddle where you want it without having to rethread the whole warp.

The kind you buy are much more study and have a special configuration at the top to make it easy to clip onto the heddle bar and less likely to come off when weaving. I have a few of these in my collection too.


your suggestion is genius - of course it assumes you have extra heddles but. . . .

francorios (not verified)

Very clever those weavers are.

Thanks for sharing!


Thanks for the info and suggestions. I will try to make my own, but will also purchase some ready made ones.

sequel (not verified)

I've tried clipping wire heddles and flat steel for do it yourself repair heddles... they can come off and tangle with your warp and other heddles and heddle bars.  Much better is to make your own repair heddles with two saftey pins and some string (carpet warp or crochet cotton).  I laid a heddle on my ironing board and pinned out a heddle jig for tying the repair heddle.  A safety pin for the top, tie a loop of string through the small hole at the base of the safety pin, tie two knots to make the heddle eye, then tie to the "bottom" saftey pin, through the small hole.  Bingo!  Repair heddle.  Sure the bought ones are nicer, but mine are cheaper and always on hand.

SallyE (not verified)

I have a few heddles (from past looms) that are smaller in length from all the rest, so I just tie one of them on to the heddle bars top and bottom.   This way I don't have to tie an eye, and I can get them at the perfect height fairly easily.   They make perfect repair heddles!



Sally E great idea. I had some smaller heddles and tied one on my loom. I am a happy weaver, it works perfectly.


Safety pins?! And all this time I've been tying string heddles straight to the bars, then getting frustrated when I couldn't slide them around.  Brilliant!

SallyE (not verified)

I'm going to have to try safety pins to attach my smaller metal heddles as repair heddles.   If I can find the right sized pins, this would be even easier than tying the heddles on!


some great DIY solutions in this thread - Thanks everyone

Leslie M (not verified)

Just used your safety pin idea the other day. I was lucky in that the pins ,top and bottom and the repair heddle (texlslov from another loom) fit perfectly! Four heddles repaired in a matter of minutes! Wow!