I just purchased an old Union Loom #36.  The loom is complete and everything appears to be in good working order.  I am conditioning all of the wood parts with tung oil as I assemble it (I use tung oil to condition all my wooden loom parts).

The loom was in pieces and had been purchased from an estate by the person I got it from...  unfortunately whoever had taken it apart years ago had taped a bunch of the pieces together and while we got most of the tape residue cleaned off of the wood parts, I am not sure how to clean the tape off of the metal parts...  I don't want to remove the black "paint".  Has anyone used Goo Gone on their metal loom parts?  Any other ideas besides hot water and good old elbow greece?

Thank you,

Rich (www.uglydogsfarm.com)

SAY NO TO TAPE!!!!  : )



Make that "elbow grease"...  my appologies to Zorba


so did you ever find out how to get the goo off?  I just picked up an old union loom No. 36 today.  It has some repair work needed and needs the crank? for the warp beam.   luckily, there does not appear to be any tape goo!



Have you looked into WD40?  It seems to me that they advertise all sorts of uses for it including getting road tar off your car paint so perhaps it will soften tape residue?  At least it won't hurt the paint.


TheLoominary (not verified)

Hello. During many restoration projects, including loom hardware I have used "Goo Gone" with great success. Since most vintage loom metal parts were painted with enamel paint they were not effected by this citrus based, eco-friendly product. Safe, and smells good to boot! Good luck, Frank