I'm stuck in bed today and really want to work on some drafts to pass the time, but... I can't get wif 'n proof to change colours in either my warp or weft. All I get is black when what I want is white and tan. I've checked the manual and I can't find anything there. I've tried clicking on the tricolor bar and that doesn't seem to give me any colour choosing options, I've tapped on the black bar down the left of my screen and get no change and I've tapped on the smaller bar on the right and all I seem to be able to do is change it from black to nothing. What am I missing?


Helen S

Return to the WIF setup screen.  The third button in the navigation bar at the bottom, 'Colors', is used to define the colors you wish to use for the warp and the weft.  If you do not choose colors, WIF 'n Proof will by default use black for the warp and white for the weft.  

You may find it helpful to follow the tutorial on the Design Center.  Download it at http://sandozsoftware.com/WnP/Files/Design.pdf  It will only take a few minutes to work through the tutorial, but it will describe most of the features.
