Hello Everyone!

I have researched weaving and looms for two years. I know I primarily want to weave weft face rugs, but also tablecloths, curtains, upholstery fabric, beadspreads, coverlets and blankets, In other words big, wide things. I want to weave overshots, twills, and color blocks. My research as led me to contermarche looms with optional drawloom capability and also the possibility of shaft switching being added. I am down to the two looms in the title of this message. I have looked at every loom I could find.and eliminated jack looms from further investigation. I have seriously considered the Harrisville Rug Loom, the Cranbrook, the Leclerc Nilus II C/M and C/B, the Leclerc Fanny C/B, the Leclerc Kebec C/B,  the Rio Grande Navajo Walking C/B loom and the Louet looms. One by one each has been eliminated. This is a huge purchase for me, and one I will live with for the rest of my life, so I am open to guidance on choosing between these two very fine looms. Thank you.




steve104c (not verified)

Two reasons I would choose the Glimakra

1. I have one and really love it.

2. Joanne Hall. There is no better of a rep. She will and can help you  with any problem.

Oh, there is another reason. 3. You can make anything on it, rugs to scarfs. It is sturdy enough to beat a rug and delicate enough to make silk scarfs.  

I might be a little biased, but I do like(love) my Glimakra Standard

Erica J

I'll be honest I know nothing about the other loom, but have a GLimakra and love it! JoAnne is a fabulous resource, every question I've posted on the CounterMarche and Beyond Group has been answered by here, in what seems like mere minutes! You can also always call her for over the phone support.

The loom is dead easy to put together is beautiful and a joy to weave on! All my weaver friends love the Glimakras!

My two cents,



I would take the Öxabäck Curys.

1. it has a very well functioning vertical countermarche. (I own a old-ish Glimåkra with the vertical CM, and it is considerably, er, shabbier? than was ever the Öxabäck. Several details are plastic etc. But: I haven't seen a new G with the vertical cm)

2. Öxabäck is (or used to be) a tad taller than G. Personally, I would take a taller loom every time, even though I'm not very tall myself.

3. Öxabäck's treadle system is very good: the treadles are curved, the loom is delivered vith pre-cut tie-up cords that are fastened at the lamms, then there is a metal ring at the treadle end. To make the tie-up you put a metal rod through the rings - thus no actual tieing.

4. Öxabäck can be ordered with "floating lamms", which is very good for wider looms, as there is no difference in force needed to lower the treadles. With pivoting lamms it takes bigger force towards the pivot end.

5. Last, but not least: the Öxabäck has always been seen as the Rolls Royce of Swedish looms...(and I wish I had had the money at the tine for my first loom purchase!)

Steve says "you can make anything on it" - yes, well - that is a characteristic of all "serious" Swedish floor looms... so, no difference there.

(And yes, of course it is easy to put together. That, too, is a characteristic of serious Swe floor looms :-)

steve104c (not verified)

 I guess it's a flip of the coin. If it's a Swedish loom, you can't go wrong.

Dawn McCarthy

As previously mentioned, either loom will meet your needs. I Personally have only used the Glimakra of the two and was very happy. I have heard great things about the Oxaback and know that Sara Von Trescow is knowledgeable about this manufacturer. If you could test drive each would be the best. Parts and accessories are probably more readily available for the Glimakra (Sara may be able to assist with parts for the Oxaback). Resale may also be easier for Glimakra (hopefully it would never come down to that, and resale only because most are familiar with the Glimakra name - just another consideration.) Write down pros & cons, parts availability, features etc and then go with your gut. Either way you will end up with a wonderful piece of equipment! Dawn

passapman (not verified)

After two years of research, asking questions, and generally obsessing over looms and weaving (including dreaming about it/them!), I have decided to order the Oxaback Ulla Cyrus 63" weaving width countermarche loom with 8H/10T, and floating lamms. It was very, very tough choosing between it and the Glimakra of the same size, but I am happy and relieved to finally have made a decision. Joanne Hall has been unbelievably patient and gracious. Thank you! Sara and Hans have been great as well. It is now simply a matter of coordinating the payment/ordering/shipping process. I will post pics of the assembly/warping process.

THANK YOU to everyone who gave input and opinion when I asked. I am just beginning my weaving career. I have a list of recommended books to purchase. I also have made contact with the local weaving guild and made arrangements to attend their next monthy meeting

Passapman/aka Robert



on the choice! (But you already knew I would say that)

passapman (not verified)

My deposit has been received, the order for my loom has officially been placed with Sara and Hans. I finally decided on 10 shafts and 10 treadles. I went back and forth over the two additional shafts, but in the end said, "What the heck". Sara and Hans are both wonderful, and answered endless questions. The width is 63" and I opted for floating lamms. Now, I just have to wait for it to arrive! Passapman

Claudia Segal (not verified)

How exciting Robert! A brand new 10s/10t loom and a beauty.  We will have to crack a virtual bottle of champagne across her breast beam when she is assembled.

I wish you a long, happy weaving life together.  While we wait for yours, is there a link we can use to stare at her?


passapman (not verified)


It will be at least four weeks, if not six before the loom is actually at my doorstep.
