I have tried for an hour trying to do a spreadsheet so I'm going to post here and see how this goes. I think I have the 5Y 8/10 and 5GY 8/10 right , we'll see.

5Y 8/10  75% Sun Yellow(SY), 25% Mustard(Mus.) DOS 3.0

5Y 8.5/10  80%SY, 20% Mus. DOS 3.0

5Y 8.5/9.5  90%SY, 10% Mus. DOS 3.0

5Y 8.7/6  90% SY, 10% Mus., DOS 2.5

5Y  8.7/6 80% SY, 20% Mus, DOS 2.5

5Y 7/8  79% SY, 25% Mus., 1% Black, DOS 3.08 ( strange DOS because I had done the math wrong and had to refigure.)


Bingo, I hope


5 GY 8/10 , 80% SY, 10% Mus., 10% B2R ( Turq.), DOS 2.5

2.5 GY 8.5/12, 90% SY, 8% Mus, 2% B2R, DOS 2.5

10 GY 6.5/8, 70% SY, 15% Mus., 15% G ( green), DOS 2.5

5GY 8/8, 80% SY, 15% Mus., 5% G, DOS 2.5

2.5 GY 8/8, 90% SY, 8% Mus., 2% G, DOS 2.5

5GY 7.5/8 , 80% SY, 10Mus., 10% G, DOS 2.5

7.5 GY 7/8, 70% SY, 15% Mus., 15% B2R

5 GY 8/8, 80% SY, 15% Mus, 5% B2R, DOS 2.5

fingers crossed

actually the above picture is awful, go by the group shot. I have oranges and reds to notate and then will post before thurs. 


Karren K. Brito

These two look good from what I can see.

Mary Rios (not verified)

Wow Cathie ! nice job!! i can't wait to get back in the "kitchen"


Karren K. Brito

Cathie, I made the spreadsheets on Google, here, and in doing so I noticed that the last line of the yellows, the one with the black, adds up to 105%, a typo in the mustard I suspect.  And the 7.5GY 7/8 formula has no DOS, it's 2.5% right? 

If you have the time to fill in the order in which you dyed these, batch 1, 2 etc.  it would make us feel better as we are struggling with our 3rd or 4th batch.


The formula with black is what I did, so I come up with a DOS of 3.08( 11.85 mls. SY +3.75 mls.Mus.+.15mls. Black/ 5.1 WOF) I made a mistake in the initial calculation, so I worked the formula backwards to get the new DOS. Yes the missing DOS is 2.5 Would you like me to fill in the trial number( is that the same as batch number?) someplace on the spreadsheet? Also, do you want me to make spreadsheets for the GY, R, and YR? I imagine I go to the same site and start a new page.

Karren K. Brito

The problem I had with the formula with the black is that 79%+25%+1%= 105%.  do you need to back calculate the percentages or is mustard only 20%?

I left the first column empty so that you could fill in batch/ trials numbers.  Spread sheets for the others would be nice.  When you are in Google  look for new and then choose spreadsheet; shouldn't be too hard.  A pic of   a partial color wheel would be nice too.  If you do it here, do it as a project so  that we can  biggify (as Kerstin says).You can do photos at google too, which ever is easier for you.

What are you wearing as Mother of the Bride?  Anything handwoven?


Yes, I have to back calculate the percentages. This is what I get. 5Y 7/8. SY .75, Mus. .24, Black .01 5.1x3.09 =15.76 SY .75 x 15.76 =11.85 Mus. .24 x 15.76 = 3.75 Black .01 x 15.76 = .15 11.85 3.75 .15 ______ 15.75 I'm off a little, the given is the amt. Of dye used for the different colors and the WOF. The percentages equal a hundred now. I had to refigure the DOS too. I hope it's right now. Thanks for catching that.


Full length tiered irredescent teal/purple silk chiffon dress.nothing handwoven nor dyed but quite possibly a derby day hat towards the end of the reception! And thank god the bride did not want a handwoven wedding dress!


How do I share the document? Do I need everyone's e-mail address? This is more confusing than dyeing!

Karren K. Brito

Just newer.  Never know what you're going to learn when you sign up for a course.

Share with me ( there is a drop down menu for sharing and you add the person's email) and I'll share with the rest. I have a group formed with all particpants emails, all I have to do is click and drag.

Karren K. Brito

Sounds ravishing with your dark hair!  Enjoy every minute, not many times we get to dress up anymore.