
lkautio (not verified)

Lace Bronson is one of my favorites, and it is not too difficult to pick up.  You have done a lovely piece!

Laurie Autio

Ellen (not verified)

That looks really classy.

dorothystewart (not verified)

Ellen - thank you, I am glad you like it ! I must apologise to you as I now realise you have been commenting on my projects and I hadn't been back to look for comments.

Once I have posted the projects I haven't looked back at them. Tonight I was waiting while pictures loaded and just browsed through some and found loads of comments.

Feeling bad ! I couldn't find a way to send you a message so public apology !

You have some beautiful projects also ! I can see I need to spend more time here on Weavolution !




dorothystewart (not verified)

Thank you laurie - you are right the pick up wasn't too difficult once I had the threads in the right place !



Finished Length Unit
Finished Width Unit
Length Off Loom Unit
Length on Loom Unit

 I am delighted with this table runner. It is by far the best rigid heddle project I have done so far.

The threading up was a bit arduous and I made it worse by starting in a hole when it should have been a slot and my pick up sticks didn't work.

Weaving required concentration but was straightforward.

The result after washing was excellent.

I would make more of these.

Project Status
Sett Unit
Width off Loom Unit
Width on Loom Unit